Frequently asked questions

  • An Astrological Natal Chart is also called a birth chart. It is an exact snapshot of where all the planets are from your time of birth. It can determine who you are, what you are about, your future and destiny. It helps you to understand who you are from an Astrological perspective.

  • Chinese Astrology is known as Ba Tze (Four Pillars of Destiny). This is known as Stems and Branches.

    The Stems are the Five Elements; Fire, Water, Earth, Metal & Wood.

    The Branches are the animal totems; Rat, Ox, Pig, Rabbit etc.

    This differs from Planetary Astrology as it is based from a Chinese Calendar. Planetary Astrology uses signs of the zodiac.

    Sam utilises both systems of Astrology given he is experienced and trained in both. He finds they compliment each other, and can extract extra information rather than using just one system.

  • Astrology chart readings are far more complex than knowing your star sign (which is your sun sign). A professional Astrologer can tell you a myriad of fascinating aspects about yourself, your life, health and relationships as your complete chart is delineated. Major aspects of a chart considered include; lunar phases, planetary transits, life cycles and constitutional types.

  • Date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. Ask your Astrologer if there is something specific you would like to focus on. E.g. Career or relationship.

  • No, astrology is not a psychic reading. Astrology is an art and science that is specific about your life, read from your natal birth chart.

  • Astrology provides guidance and insight into the specific issues that are affecting you at this point in time. Clients commonly seek guidance regarding career, relationships, family, health, and personal life crisis.

  • Astrologers look at each planet position in the chart and how it is expressed. That is, what sign the planet is expressed through determines your psychological drive behind the planet.

    Think of it as like people’s personality, which are very varied and differ. Astrology gives you clarity on how those parts are expressed and why.

    Planets also communicate with each other through aspects. Planetary aspects are considered. A planet can contact another planet so that it’s energies are combined to produce different results.

    An Astrologer see a charts as a self-reflective tool. It is a very clear and direct manner to understand yourself and the cycles you are going through.

  • A professional Astrologer needs at least a week to prepare. There are many aspects to consider before the consultation process begins.