Keys to Chiron in Astrology

As an astrologer I find Chiron one of the most fascinating aspects within ones chart. When Chiron was discovered on November 1, 1977 it was listed as an asteroid, commonly referred to as a planetoid. Chiron hovers between the planet Saturn and Uranus. It is considered the bridge between these two planets. Saturn holding onto the old order (Form), whilst Uranus represents the new order (Spirit).

Astrologers will link Chiron as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious minds or higher states of consciousness. Chiron in mythology is referred to as the wounded healer. Wherever Chiron’s placement is within our charts and what sign it is expressed through, gives us a opportunity to explore this wound. This wound can be physical or psychological and can manifest in many different ways.

The psychological function of Chiron is to help us understand our ability to integrate our sense of alienation and woundedness in order to take place in the world. There is a saying that if we haven’t experienced a deep wound of some kind then your are not an adult. The wound we experience through Chiron makes us human and whatever that wound has been for us gives us the ability to learn and gain wisdom. This wound is necessary as it assists in our own process of individuation. Chiron was a hybrid, very kind, gentle and just. Heroes would go to be trained by him. He represents a link to the ancient past.

Key concepts of Chiron are as follows:

  • The maverick, the tribal outsider

  • The healer, the mentor, the shaman

  • The wound that cannot be healed, the wounded healer

  • Feelings of exile, alienation, separateness and loss of tribe

Most authentic health practitioners will have a prominent Chiron placement within their astrological chart. Occupations that Chiron rules are herbalism, chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy, psychology, healer, astrologer, teacher, mentor, health practitioner as examples.

People with prominent Chiron in their charts can literally feel like outsiders, that they don’t belong in this world. It is what is known as the outsider complex. A brilliant book called, “The Outsider,” by Collin Wilson will give an understanding of people who have suffered under the outsider complex.

Here is a summary of potential wounds that can come with Chiron through the twelve signs:

  • Chiron-Aries: Wounding through internalising anger, resentment. Holding back from adventures, not willing to take risks. Wounding of the masculine principle within ourselves.

  • Chiron-Taurus: Self-esteem issues, lack of value for the self. Wounds to do with hedonistic excesses.

  • Chiron-Gemini: Wounds in relation to siblings, learning and communication. Feelings of alienation to do with siblings.

  • Chiron-Cancer: Wounds in nurturing and caring for ourselves. Not being able to express feelings. Wounds from ancestry and family dynamics.

  • Chiron-Leo: Self-esteem and lack of confidence, withdrawal from self.

  • Chiron-Virgo: Suffering from perfectionism, wounds associated with health.

  • Chiron-Libra: Wounds in relations and compromising too much. Wounding of the feminine principle.

  • Chiron-Scorpio: Wounding from not speaking truth, not addressing deeper issues from secrets not being told. Wounds from sexual scandals and abuse.

  • Chiron-Sagittarous: A Religious wound of some kind. Wounds to do with our belief systems.

  • Chiron-Capricorn: Wounding in relation to authority figures and to much responsibility placed on us.

  • Chiron-Aquarius: Wounding from our own individuality, not being able to express our authentic unique self.

  • Chiron-Picses: Wounding from excessive altruism. Selfless to the point of loosing our whole identity with ourselves.

Exploring Chiron within our own charts is a gateway to healing our wounds that will give us greater understanding of our own unique nature and learn to become at peace within our selves. These are just a few basic examples how Chiron can play out through the signs it is expressed through.


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