Jupiter Return in connection with the Chinese Astrological year of birth

Jupiter in astrology is considered the planet of luck, expansion and growth. Jupiter is ruled by the sign Sagittarius and its psychological function entails our search for meaning, truth and ethical values. If we know where the planet Jupiter is in our charts and what sign it is expressed through, this will give us a clue in our life where we can reap the benefits of expansion and growth in this lifetime.


Most people are familiar with the Saturn return cycle in astrology which occurs around the twenty eight to thirty years of age. The Jupiter return occurs every twelve years in astrology. This coincides with the year we are born in Chinese astrology. For example if your are born in the year of the Rabbit then 12 years later the year of the Rabbit repeats again. At the same time you will be going through your Jupiter return in your planetary astrology chart.

When the return year repeats in Chinese astrology which coincides with our Jupiter return cycle every twelve years. It will trigger use to reevaluate our personal quest for meaning and understanding. It can make us more restless is our search for truth and wisdom. This can be a very optimistic time. I consider the animal branch year cycle with Jupiter at the same time enable us to want to further expand our search for innate wisdom within our selves.

Liz Green in her famous book Astrology and Fate sums up a Jupiter transit as follows, “I have learned since to pay close attention to the transits of Jupiter, for although they often pass quickly and without any noticeable concrete benefits for the person who sits waiting for the heaven heaven to shower manna on him, they often coincide with opportunities which can greatly expand one’s vision and understanding.”

Personally I feel the Jupiter return in astrology can definitely be an over looked cycle. It is a cycle that does not feel as heavy and concrete as a Saturn cycle and I guess when we are feeling good we tend not to take as much note of the impact of a transit as when we are feeling bad.

Ways to make sure we can pay attention to these beneficial transits is to mark on our calendar where they are in our personal natal chart. Also pay attention to the year you are born in Chinese astrology. When you know these years it is time to reevaluate the follow:

  • Your personal goals for the next 12 year cycle.

  • What are your future visions for the next twelve years?

  • How will I approach my quest for understanding and spiritual values?

  • What house in my natal chart is Jupiter returning in, how will I approach my new sense of vision in this area of my life?

  • How has my view on politics, religion, philosophy, education changed over the last twelve years?

  • How can I motivate and be an inspiration for myself.

  • What are do I need to seek faith in my life.

  • What does freedom mean to me personally.

These are just a few key questions that can help us expand ourselves and embrace the benefits of the Jupiter return cycle.


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